You’re Part Of The Winning Team

Jan 31, 2019Patrick Cole

Imagine if the coffee capsules market had a footy tournament. And you were in our team? We’d be the hot favourites and we’d win the final by a mile. Why? We are Kiwis and we are very good at just getting on with doing the business. Here’s what makes us a great team.

Good Taste

If you want to win then you must do the basics well. That means good tasting coffee.

Our suppliers put the A in Anzac. They are super professional and know their stuff. They know how to get the best 6 grams of coffee into a capsule and get it tasting great. Eh!

Our capsule shape is a global standard. Every day, millions of our capsules are popped into Nespresso machines around the world. It’s cutting edge stuff – designed to get the freshest smoothest pour every time.

Good Price

Winning means doing the hard yards up front. That’s why we partnered with Coffee Capsules 2U Australia. They are a big online brand with mega buying power that we can hook in to.

Patrick and Louise run a tight ship. There is not a lot of extra cost that needs to be added to your coffee order.

A big grunty Aussie brand + a clever little Kiwi operation = a lovely dance party in your wallet every time that you order.

Good Service

Like Beaudy, we are pretty quick! The minute your order arrives, we pack it and have it ready to send. And like Richie, when you need some help, we are right there ready to go.

In fact, what holds us up the most is working out something clever to write on your cards!

Good for New Zealand

In this team, we care about what’s happening here in New Zealand. Just like you, we are out there every day supporting local businesses and community groups. We pay our tax – here. We spend the rewards of our hard yakka at Warkworth New World.

We are proud to have pioneered NZ’s only onshore recycling process. Our new compostable pod will be a game changer for sure.


We are a hard out little local company. With you in the team, we’ve got the winning formula. As we know, us Kiwis are near impossible to beat at home!

Patrick & Louise


p.s. Just like you, we are very much hoping that the mighty All Blacks do the business in Japan this year. Go the AB's!

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Comments (3)

  • Love the coffee and love that you recycle. We’re forever customers.

    Wendy Pearson
  • Great coffee,great service keep it up and we will keep coming back

    Lynn and iain
  • Tell us how we can be part of the recycling process please.

    Anne Kerrisk

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