You Blokes Are Marvellous

Sep 24, 2020Patrick Cole

It’s true, when you order, we pack. When Louise’s phone dings to tell us you’ve placed your new order, Patrick prints the courier ticket and Louise attaches it to your freshly packed box. Your coffee is at the door with its dancing shoes on before the band has a chance to play.

Going hard and going early means that sometimes Patrick makes mistakes. After 32 years together, it just doesn’t make sense that Louise would make them!

This Weeks Little Boo Boo

When you are growing so fast the old switcheroo can happen.

This week we had a call from Amy to say “I think I’ve got the wrong order”. The giveaway was the handwritten card saying “Hi Peter”.

No questions asked, in a flash, Louise had packed the correct order for Amy and had it ready to go.

We also dropped a wee note to Peter to say “you’ve got a boo boo coming”

Last night Peter called to say “yup, it’s here”. So we simply said “keep the coffee you have got, we’ll send the right order first thing tomorrow”

Proud To Be Kiwi

In our culture, we have little words and phrases that have passed through the generations that are truly meaningful. For example, I don’t think any of us have seen a Topsy plant but we all know how fast it grows.

As he hung up the phone, Peter said to me “hey thanks for that, I just want to say well done for what you are doing ….. You blokes are marvellous”

In this crazy busy world there is still time for a kind word.

Peter, I can tell you that meant a lot. It gets to the heart of what we want to do. Doing good for New Zealand and New Zealanders.

Cheers mate, you are a legend.

LV Martin & Son - Respecting Those Who Have Gone Before

As a kid, I can remember seeing the LV Martin ads on the tele. This iconic Kiwi brand, started in Wellington in 1934, set the standards for Kiwi owned retailing.

Honest, straight up fair go stuff that you could trust.

Get It Right, Make It Right

In a recent article in The Dominion, LV Martin say "We do everything in our power to get it right the first time and if something should go wrong, we will put it right straight away."

Our history tells us that we Kiwis are at our best with a “follow me mate, I’ll show you the way”. No more so than when we have a footy ball under our arm.

Louise and I believe that the principles of Leo, Alan and Neil Martin are goodies worth following.

Be Part Of Marvellous

When you shop with us you play your part in something marvellous.


Patrick & Louise

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Comments (3)

  • I give a silent smilie ‘Thank You’ each time my order arrives from you. Your business model is amazing and one of the best I’ve come across as you are so prompt and personal with the lovely wee note in my orders. Thank you so much and know that you are valued silently by a lot of customers. After reading your blog I thought that I better poke my head out of my shell to verbalize my thanks. ’Thank You! ❤

    Julie Cole
  • Patrick.. You are marvellous.. Your cheeky and cheery smile when you deliver is a pleasure. Ps I didn’t realise Louise does all the work!!

    Joy Buckby
  • You guys are legends !! Place an order Sunday night in Christchurch, and the order is here Tuesday ! And as always the lovely hand written note is worth opening the beautifully wrapped parcel for. Gosh your Christmas wrapping must be magnificent.
    And as for your adorable 2 fur babies, well they are just adorable. Thanks guys for your amazing coffee , and making every customer feel like a personal friend.
    Regards Warren


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