There is a moment that strikes all of us at one time during our summer holiday. Totally happy, blissfully relaxed we suddenly think “I gotta go back home soon”. For some of us that’s back to work. For others it is the resumption of a busy home life. Regardless, the bubble is popped and we increasingly start to think of our return to normal life.
For two weeks Louise and I thought about nothing more than dog walks, golf swings and eco dying. When the reality of soon to be back to work struck home I asked Louise “what’s the best thing about Coffee Capsules 2U?”. Louise is very good in these situations, she is very clear of mind, and she immediately said “the customers”. True that!
Coffee Capsules is a Kiwi success story. Over the last five years we’ve established ourselves as a leading brand in the New Zealand coffee capsule market. How? Well, the reason is quite simple – it’s you!
You have taken our story to heart. Most importantly you’ve fired up your mornings with a steady stream of tasty coffee. You are the people who love our little handwritten notes, who send notes of thanks when your coffee is delivered and reply to our emails with words of encouragement. Thank you!
At the heart of what we do is you. We made this video about two years ago. It is still as on to it today as it was then.
A holiday is a good chance to gain a new perspective. To look at our normal life through a different lens. We can assure you that Patrick & Louise are back from our holiday fully revved up to get the good morning happiness train right back on the choo choo tracks straight away.
Good coffee, good price, super-fast personal service and doing things in a way that is good for New Zealand.
It’s time to get back to work New Zealand. Who knows what 2021 holds for us? Whatever the team of 5 million is asked to do we’ll be sure to “kick it in the guts Trev”
Here’s to a great 2021!
Patrick & Louise
Comments (1)
its interesting how important a coffee start is on returning to work.. I notice now the 10am coffee break has morphed into one on starting work (from home online 2020 style) to one at 930 when it starts to warm up but not enough to turn on the aircon…. and the afternoons are smashed iced coffee from a nutribullet…..