A Little Thank You Goes A Long Way

Aug 03, 2020Patrick Cole

Online shopping is now part of our every day lives. That personal touch of going into your local specialist store, getting exactly what you need and having a bit of yarn is now an exception to the rule. We’ve moved to shopping in mega-stores and now we are very used to not even getting off the couch. That’s progress, however, let’s not forget the personal touch.

At Coffee Capsules 2U, we really appreciate each and every order that we receive. We are Kiwis too and we know how hard you work for your dollar. We don’t take it lightly that you choose us to provide one of the most important parts of your day.

Our little handwritten notes that come with every order are our way of saying thanks. Thank you for coming to our store, thank you for your order, enjoy your coffee and shout out if you need anything.

Louise and I have a lot of fun trying to say that with our quirky little messages. It's a really personal connection with you and gives us a moment when we actually feel like we are handing your coffee over to you.

“Here’s your good morning happiness pills” or “You’ve got your ticket on the morning happiness train” were goodies. Perhaps our finest hour was during lock down – “ Stay Safe, Stay Caffeinated”.

Us Kiwis love to punch above our weight. We love our Kiwi ingenuity. Whilst the global corporate big boys are all pushing hard at the ruck, we’ve already recycled the ball, fed the backs and scored in the corner. The handwritten notes says “bit too much weights, not enough speedwork bro!”

A personal message is part of our DNA. It’s what we do when we pack your order to say “hey, chur!”. It’s wonderful to get all the messages of delight saying how much you enjoy them.

It’s nice to think that whilst thousands of Kiwis enjoy their morning coffee, here in Warkworth, poised over the computer, ready and waiting, are Patrick & Louise - we're ready to pack your coffee, write you a nice note and fire your parcel into the collection area. And then the amazing folk at Courier Post do their stuff.

The handwritten note is a simple thank you for being part of a good Kiwi story. It’s part of who we are and here to stay.

Thank you for inspiring us to do it. Thank you for your enthusiastic coffee habit.

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